Hi JCulture fans! Need the go ahead for your spring/summer wardrobe? The appropriation of the warm weather wardrobe is a quite frequently asked question. I get phone calls all the time about this trending topic. This question is likely accompanied with the sub-question of, what is appropriate to wear for the newly come warm weather. Well fret no longer, J Culture is here to help. The advice for the newly come warm weather is here to answer this age old question, once and for all. J Culture will give you signs for the appropriation of the warm weather wardrobe and what to wear.
Ok, so in some parts of the U.S. it has begun to become quite warm. This is especially true in the southern regions. Highs of the 60’s and 70’s and on some days, even 80’s have crept on us. After the grueling cold winter weather, warm weather is finally upon us. Spring break is in the air, and people are catching beach fever all over the place. It’s become warm enough to show some limbs, but most people don’t quite know if it is appropriate just yet. Many college students usually have a good since of what is appropriate once they come back from the vacation destinations for their spring holidays. However, the working world has a harder time determining such appropriateness. This could possibly be the result of the migration of large groups of college students to warm and tropical vacation destinations over their given breaks.
Some clues on when it is appropriate to wear some of your warm weather clothes would be a consistency in the weather. If the weather has become consistent with numbers in the mid to high 60’s then it has become appropriate for you to show a bit of skin. Another clue is spring break for college and grade level students. After spring break is normally a good time to pull out some of your wardrobe that allows for more skin to be shown. This is normally a great indicator that spring is upon us. A week to two weeks after the time has “sprung” forward is a good indicator that it is starting to become appropriate for more skin. These are all great signs to check for when wanting to know the appropriateness of showing off the epidermis.
So what items are appropriate at the first sign of spring? The first thing to know when choosing items from your wardrobe is not to go overboard and show too much skin. It is not yet summer, so there is no need to show all of your skin. If it is quite warm, going short at the bottom and moderately bare at the top is a great way to go. An example of this would be a short sleeve top and shorts or a mid length skirt that is a couple inches above the knee. Pants or pedal pushers with a halter top can also be a great way to go. Also light or see through chiffon materials with an also wide or straight leg dress pants would be a great choice.
J Culture is the coolest way to be Haute during those spring/summer months! Want to be trendy? Come visit us at http://www.jcultureinc.blogspot.com. J Culture wants to keep you Haute everyday...afterall being HAUTE, while looking cool is J Culture!